Largest Motorbike by Fabio Reggiani

This chopper is 10 meters long and two meters wide and is fitted with a 5.7 litre V8 engine. It was designed by Italian, Fabio Reggiani and it took a team of 8 people seven months to build. It has been entered into the Guinness Book of World Records.

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Tips to make your love alive

Everybody wants to tell their partner that how much they love them. Even if you don?t tell you should do the same. Now you would want to know what you could do to keep your relationship stronger and fresh and full of life!
Here are some ideas which could be beneficial in keeping your relationship fresh throughout the twelve months. The basic idea involved is to be 'romantic?:

1.A cute greeting card: You must have felt on many occasions how important the greeting cards are. Without any special occasion, you could give you partner a card with the theme 'I love you?.

2.Leave hand-written notes for your sweetheart : If you don?t fancy giving the card directly in hand, you could write 'I Love You? on a paper, on a dry leaf (if you know bit of art), on an envelope with some tiny gift inside (Like a pen, a key chain) and hide it in his/her drawer or his/her wallet. It would be a real fun for him/her to find these notes? Try It! These will make him/her feel special.

3. Magic of touch heal : It is said that 'Human touch is a great healer?. Now, whenever you get a chance and as often you can remember touch his/her knee, shoulder, hand or back with you hand.

4. A beautiful Massage for your sweetheart : You could give foot rubs (You could use some essential oils); shoulder rubs to each other which will give relaxation to his/her body.

5. Hold the face to make him/her feel extra special : You could hold his/her face in your hands; this is also a loving human touch. It might connect you back to the good old, your first days.

6. Arrange a surprise picnic : You arrange a day out to a park with her/him. This could be more loving if it is a surprise picnic. It would show that you are willing to go an extra mile to keep your relationship alive.

7. Share Some Activities to give comfort : Try out things which are not done in the normal routine likewise you could share some of his/her activities while giving a level of 'comfort? to your partner. You could help out in cooking, in hanging out the clothes, looking after the baby while she could have a nap, help cleaning his/her vehicle etc.

8.Sing a romantic song to show how much you love him/her : You could sing a song he/she loves. You don?t have to be a good singer for this. The main thing you try achieving here is to give a 'comfort Zone? to the person.

9. Cooking : If most of the time she is cooking for you, how about getting up little early and makes a nice meal/breakfast and have it together, in the bed or at the table. It could be a surprise meal.

10. Surprise : Without any occasion, you could surprise him/her by giving a beautiful flower of his/her choice.
Hopefully you will try these tips, and be happy to be successful. Make your relationship alive and loving. That is life!

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10 Tips for Interview

My Friend just got back from his 4th job interview in a week, and he've learned a TON throughout the whole (and at times, crazy) process.

Since we're all about sharing here, I thought I'd pass on the 10 juiciest lessons that I took away from our experiences.

Hopefully they'll be of some benefit to you as either an interviewer or interviewee somewhere down the road.

So here goes...

1. Attitude is everything. If you're smiling, excited and optimistic, you've already won half the battle. If you're cold, distant and uninterested, you've already lost 99% of the battle. Read more after the break...

2. Be yourself. If you act like someone else and they like you, they don't actually like YOU. They like the person you're pretending to be. If you end up getting a job there, you won't be able to keep up the facade for very long anyway. Honesty and authenticity are very appealing characteristics. If both parties stay true to themselves, they'll know if they're right for each other. And in the end, that's usually what matters most.

3. Relax. Interviews are not really interviews at all. They're conversations. Treat them like conversations, and the tension will slowly dissolve. Remember: when you walk into that office, you don't have the job to begin with. In theory, you have nothing to lose. You either come out way ahead or back where you started. If you approach the situation with a "win-draw" mentality, most of the pressure will fall by the wayside.

4. Appearance counts. Before you meet people, virtually the only judgment you can make is based on aesthetics. What you're wearing matters. What they're wearing matters. How you sit, stand, shake hands, hold your pen and walk up the stairs counts. Not enormously, but enough. First impressions are huge. Also, how does the building look? Is the lobby clean and organized? Are the cubicles bunched together? Is the ceiling high or low? Does it look like a fun place to work? Does it invite you to come back?

5. Fit is crucial. All the smarts, skills and experience in the world mean nothing without the right fit. If your values aren't aligned with those of the company, you're doomed. If you like to have fun and they're always serious, don't even bother. Seriously. The more you fit in, the more you'll want to come back every day and bust your butt. If you're always at odds with your coworkers, you're going to hate your job. Simple as that.

6. Liking means more than talent. The days of standing in line and putting decals on widgets is over. People don't hire you because you're capable. They hire you because they want to work with you. If you don't get along, and get along well, the interview will probably be fruitless. Unless, of course, you applied for the "Assistant Placer of Decals on Widgets" position...

7. Be persistent. It's incredibly easy to get lazy, give up and feel sorry for yourself. People will turn you down, never call you back, and forget your name over and over again. None of that matters. What matters is perseverance. If you can't handle losing a few battles along the way, you're in for a tough road ahead. Getting a job is like winning a war. It takes patience, planning, time, effort, dedication and a little bit of luck. The chips will fall your way sooner or later. If you stay persistent, you'll at least give yourself a chance to catch them.

8. Bring an insane amount of (intelligent) questions. Nothing feels worse that not being prepared. If you don't bring loads of questions, you're not prepared. At some point, the interviewer will ask you what you want to know. For the record, you want to know everything. Be curious. Be interested. Be engrossed. Ask your question, and then get ready to listen. Don't think of what you're going to say next. Just soak up every word like a giant sponge. The more questions you ask, the more you'll get out of the experience. And as a bonus, they'll know you care deeply about their business. When you care about what they care about, you both start to align, and that's when the magic happens.

9. Focus on their needs, not yours. It's tempting to sell ourselves, to talk about how great we are, and to show off our past experiences. But guess what. No one cares. What they really care about is how your "amazingness" will translate into success for their company. Don't focus on your talents, focus on what your talents will do for them.

10. Blogging will give you a HUGE leg up. Blogging forces you to analyze, collaborate and create solutions. It also gives you plenty of ideas for improving customer experiences, businesses and relationships. These skills (among countless others) will give you confidence, poise, energy and know-how when it comes time to explain yourself. Your insights will be sharper, your thinking will be deeper, and your ability to express your opinions clearly and concisely will be much stronger. Blogging will prepare you better than any "How-To" book in the world. Trust me.

These 10 things are just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more we can learn from each other about this process as a whole, so please feel free to share.

What are your best interviewing tips? What do you wish you would've known? For those of you who've been on both sides of the table, what have you learned from each situation?

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Interesting Facts

  • The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
  • The military salute originated during the medieval times. Knights in armor used to raise their visors to reveal their identity, and the motion later evolved into the modern-day salute.
  • The Mills Brothers have recorded the most songs of any artist: about 2,250.
  • The minarets ofthe Taj Mahal in India are angled at 88 degrees outwards so that they would not collapse into the structure should an earthquake occur. Read more after the break...
  • The minimum number of darts that need to be thrown to complete a single in, double out game of 501 is nine.
  • The Miss America Contest was created in Atlantic City in 1921 with the purpose of extending the tourist season beyond Labor Day.
  • The model of King Kong used in the original movie was only 18 inches tall.
  • The modern Olympic Games were held in the first time in 1896 at Athens and were then followed by the 1900 Paris games. The winter games were added in 1924.
  • The mola mola or ocean sunfish lays up to 5,000,000 eggs at one time.
  • The Mona Lisa, by daVinci, is 2'6" by 1'9".
  • The Mona-Lisa, now hanging in the Louvre museum in Paris, is valued today at $100,000,000.
  • The monastic hours are matins, lauds, prime, tierce, sext, nones, vespers and compline.
  • The Montreal Canadians of the mid-1950s are the only team to win five straight Stanley Cup championships.
  • The Monty Python movie "The Life of Brian" was banned in Scotland.
  • The moon actually has mirrors on it. They were left there by astronauts who wanted to bounce laser beams off them, so that the distance to the moon can be measured.
  • The most abundant metal in the Earth's crust is aluminum.
  • The most collect calls are made on father's day.
  • The most common blood type in the world is Type O. The rarest, Type A-H, has been found in less than a dozen people since the type was discovered.
  • The most common disease in the world is tooth - decay.
  • The most common injury in bowling is a sore thumb.
  • The most common street name in the United States is Second Street. First Street isn't first because many times the designation is replaced with the name Main Street.
  • The most expensive book or manuscript ever sold at an auction was The Codex Hammer, a notebook belonging to Leonardo da Vinci. It sold for $30.8 million.
  • The most expensive movie memorabilia ever sold at an auction was Clark Gable's Academy Award for It Happened One Night. It sold for$607,500 on December 15, 1996.
  • The most expensive painting ever sold at auction was Portrait of Dr. Gachet by Vincent van Gogh. On May 15, 1990, Ryoei Saito paid $75 million for it. He followed up that spending spree by paying the second-highest price ever, $71 million for Au Moulin de la Galette by PierreAuguste Renoir, just two days later.
  • The most frequently seen birds at feeders across North America last winter were the Dark-eyed Junco, House Finch and American goldfinch, along with downy woodpeckers, blue jays, mourning doves, black-capped chickadees, house sparrows, northern cardinals and european starlings. 
  • The most searched thing on every year is p0rn.
  • The most snow accumulation in a one-day period was 75.8 inches at Silver Lake, Colorado, in April 1921.
  • The most used line in the movies is "Lets get out of here."
  • The most widely accepted legend associated to the discovery of coffee is of the goatherder named Kaldi of Ethiopia. Around the year 800-850 A.D., Kaldi was amazed as he noticed his goats behaving in a frisky manner after eating the leaves and berries of a coffee shrub. And, of course, he had to try them!
  • The most widely culticated fruit in the world is the Apple.The second is the Pear.
  • The motto for the Olympic Games is Citius Altius Fortius. Translated, it means Faster Higher Stronger.
  • The mouse is the most common mammal in the US.
  • The movie As Good As It Gets is called Mr. Cat Poop in China.
  • The movie Quo Vadis had 30,000 extras.
  • The Museum of Modern Art in New York City hung Matisse's 'Le Bateau' upside-down for 47 days before an art student noticed the error.
  • The muzzle of a lion is like a fingerprint no two lions have the same pattern of whiskers.
  • The nail of our middle finger grows the fastest and the nail of our thumb grows slowest.
  • The name "Uncle Sam" for the U.S. came from a person known as Uncle Sam Wilson of Troy, NY, who supplied food for the U.S. army in the war of 1812.
  • The name for Oz in the Wizard of Oz was thought up when the creator Frank Baum looked at his filing cabinet and saw A-N and O-Z.
  • The name for the middle part of the nose (the part that separates the nostrils) is called a chaffanu.
  • The name 'Intel' stems from the company's former name, 'Integrated Electronics'.
  • The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
  • The name of the dog from "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" is Max.
  • The name of the dog on the Cracker Jack box is Bingo.
  • The name of the first airplane flown at Kitty Hawk by the Wright Brothers, on December 17, 1903, was Bird of Prey.
  • The name of the Russian space station, Mir, means "peace."
  • The name Santa Claus is a corruption of the Dutch dialect name for Saint Nicholas Sint Klass.
  • The name Wendy was made up for the book "Peter Pan". There was never a recorded Wendy before.
  • The name Wendy was made up for the book 'Peter Pan'. It came from the author's friends, whom he called his "fwendy" (friend)
  • The name Wendy was made up for the book Peter Pan. There was never a recorded Wendy before it.
  • The nation of Monaco on the French Riviera, is smaller than Central Park in New York. Monaco is 370 acres and Central Park is 840 acres.
  • The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses.
  • The national dish of Scotland, haggis, is made of the heart, liver, lungs and small intestines of a calf. It's then boiled in the stomach of the animal, and seasoned with salt, pepper and onions. Oh, and don't forget to add the suet and oatmeal.
  • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced in 1978 that it would alternate men's and women's names in the naming of hurricanes. It was seen as an attempt at fair play. Hurricanes had been named for women for years, until NOAA succumbed to pressure from women's groups who were demanding that Atlantic storms be given unisex names.
  • The national sport of Nauru, a small Pacific island, is lassoing flying birds.
  • The Navy SEALs were formed in 1962.
  • The Neanderthal's brain was bigger than yours is.
  • The nearest relative of the hippopotamus is the common pig.
  • The Netherlands is the lowest country in the world. An estimated 40% of its land is below sea level.
  • The New York City Chamber of Commerce is the oldest chamber of commerce in the United States. King George III granted a royal charter for it in 1770.
  • The New York phone book had 22 Hitlers listed before World War II .. and none after.
  • The New York Yankees have won the most champoinships (26 times) in their respected sport (MLB, NBA, NHL, NFL) for any professional sports team.
  • The Nile catfish swim upside down.
  • The number 111,111,111 multiplied by itself will result in the number 12,345,678,987,654,321.
  • The number 2,520 can be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 without having a fractional leftover.
  • The number 37 will wholly divide (no decimals) into 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, and 999.
  • The number of atoms in a pound of iron is nearly five trillion trillion: 4,891,500,000,000,000,000,000,000.
  • The number of cricket chirps you count in a fifteen-second span, plus 37, will tell you the approximate current air temperature.
  • The number of possible ways of playing just the first four moves on each side in a game of chess is 318,979,564,000.
  • The number of times a drowning person will rise to the surface depends on how much air is in his lungs. He could rise once, twice, or five times. Or not at all. Obese people will stay afloat longer than skinny people because fat contains air molecules.
  • The number of triplets born in the US in 1994 (4,594) was more than triple the number born in 1971 (1,034), an increase attributed to older age of the mothers and the use of fertility-enhancing drugs and techniques.
  • The number of VCRs in the United States grew from 52,565,000 in 1987 to 86,825,000 in 1997, a 39.5% increase.
  • The numbers "172" can be found on the back of a US $5 bill, in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln memorial.
  • The numbers 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 are all multiples of 37.
  • The numbers on opposite sides of a die always add up to seven.
  • The nursery rhyme Ring Around the Rosy is a rhyme about the plague. Infected people with the plague would get red circular sores ("Ring around the rosy..."), these sores would smell very badly so common folks would put flowers on their bodies somewhere (inconspicuously), so that it would cover the smell of the sores ("...a pocket full of posies..."), People who died from the plague would be burned so as to reduce the possible spread of the disease ("...ashes, ashes, we all fall down!")
  • The Oblivion ride at Alton Towers has a G-force of 5. Thats higher than the G-force of an average NASA take-off!
  • The occupations of the three men in a tub were butcher, baker, and candlestick maker.
  • The odds against a royal flush in poker are exactly 649,739 to 1.
  • The odds of being born male are about 51.2%, according to census.
  • The official definition of a desert is any land that where more water evaporates than is acquired through precipitation.
  • The official name of the St. Louis Gateway Arch is "The Jefferson National Expansion Monument." The Gateway Arch looks taller than it is wider, but it is exactly 630 feet by 630 feet.
  • The official sport for the State of Maryland is jousting.
  • The official state song of Georgia since 1922 has been "Georgia on My Mind".
  • The Ohio river forms at the confluence of the Allegheny and the Monongahela.
  • The oiuja board was invented by Isaac and William Fuld, and was patented July 1, 1892.
  • The oldest "cricket" match was played between the USA and Canada in 1844.
  • The oldest continuous comic strip still in existence is The Katzenjammer Kids. It first appeared in newspapers in 1897.
  • The oldest exposed surface on earth is New Zealand's south island.
  • The oldest goldfish lived for 14,795 days.
  • The oldest living thing in existence is not a giant redwood, but a bristlecone pine in the White Mountains of California, dated to be aged 4,600 years old.
  • The oldest man-made building of any kind still existing is the central edifice of the 4,600-year-old mastaba (a tomb for kings) built at Sakkara, Egypt. It was created to honor King Zoser, the first ruler of the Third Dynasty.
  • The oldest musical instrument is probably the flute. It's been discovered that primitive cave dwellers made an instrument from bamboo or some other small hollow wood.
  • The oldest person to live was Jeanne Louise Calment, she lived for a whopping 122 years until she died of sm0king related complications. Don't Sm0ke! 
  • The oldest recorded document on paper made from fibrous material was a deed of King Roger of Sicily, in the year 1102.
  • The oldest tennis court in the world is the one built at Hampton Court in 1530 for Henry VIII.
  • The oldest works of art are pictures of animals found in caves in Spain and France. They have been dates as far back as 18,000 years ago.
  • The olive branch in the eagle's right talon has 13 leaves.
  • The Olympic Games were held in St. Louis, MO. In 1904, the first time that the games were held in the United States. 
  • The Olympic was the sister ship of the Titanic, and she provided twenty-five years of service.
  • The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is "uncopyrightable"!
  • The only animals that can naturally sleep on their backs are humans. No other animal actually does--apes usually sleep sitting up and leaning on something.
  • The only big cat that doesn't roar is a Jaguar.
  • The only bird that can fly backwards is the hummingbird.
  • The only bird that cannot fly is the penguin.
  • The only bone in the human body not connected to another is the hyoid, a V-shaped bone located at the base of the tongue between the mandible and the voice box. Its function is to support the tongue and its muscles.
  • The only bone not broken so far during any ski accident is one located in the inner ear.
  • The only continent without reptiles or snakes is Antarctica.
  • The only countries in the world with one syllable in their names are Chad, France, Greece, and Spain.
  • The only difference between brown eyes and every other colored eyes is that brown eyes have more pigment.
  • The only dog to ever appear in a Shakespearean play was Crab in The Two Gentlemen of Verona.
  • The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat.
  • The only father and son to hit back-to-back home runs in a major league baseball game: Ken Griffey, Jr., and his father, Ken Griffey, Sr., both of the Seattle Mariners in a game against the California Angels on September 14th, 1990.
  • The only food cockroaches won't eat are cucumbers.
  • The only jointless bone in your body is the hyoid bone in your throat.
  • The only loss Packers' coach Vince Lombardi ever suffered in the postseason was to the Philadelphia Eagles, 17-13, in the 1960 NFL championship game.
  • The only member of the British House of Commons who is not allowed to speak is the man called the Speaker of the House.
  • The only MLB team to have both its city's name and its team name in a foreign language is the San Diego Padres.
  • The only mobile national monuments in the United States are the cable cars in San Francisco.
  • The only one of his sculptures that Michelangelo signed was the "The Pieta," completed in 1500.
  • The only painting by Leonardo da Vinci on permanent display in the United States hangs in the National Gallery in Washington, D.C. It's a portrait of Ginevra di Benci, the wife of a politician in Florence.
  • The only president buried in Washington, D.C. proper: Woodrow Wilson, who was laid to rest in the National Cathedral.
  • The only president buried on the grounds of a state capitol: James Polk in Nashville, Tenn.
  • The only President in office to weigh less than 100 pounds was James Madison.
  • The only President to be head of a labor union was Ronald Reagan.
  • The only presidents buried together: John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams are in a basement crypt in Quincy, Mass.
  • The only real person to be a PEZ head was Betsy Ross.
  • The only repealed amendment to the US Constitution deals with the prohibition of alcohol.
  • The only rock that floats in water is pumice.
  • The only state allowed to fly its flag at the same height as the U.S. flag is Texas.
  • The only three non-Presidents pictured on U.S. paper money are: Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill, Benjamin Franklin on the $100 bill, and Salmon Chase on the $10,000 bill.
  • The only time the human population declined was in the years following 1347, the start of the epidemic of the plague 'Black Death' in Europe.(I dont know these are really true or not, i got this mail in my Mail Box, Just enjoy)

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Silent Inspiration

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
- Eleanor Roosevelt -

If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all.
- Anna Quindlen -

You learn as much from those who have failed as from those who have succeeded.
- Michael Johnson -

Real success is finding your lifework in the work that you love.
- David McCullough -

Success is counted sweetest by those who ne'er succeed.
- Emily Dickinson -

I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite.
- G. K. Chesterton -

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.
- Henry David Thoreau -

When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

To go against the dominant thinking of your friends, of most of the people you see every day, is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform.
- Theodore H. White -

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle.
- John Quincy Adams -

One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.
- Maya Angelou -

With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity.
- Keshavan Nair -

Moral cowardice that keeps us from speaking our minds is as dangerous to this country as irresponsible talk. The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.
- Margaret Chase Smith -

If you would live your life with ease; do what you ought, not what you please.
- Anonymous -

There are many who's tongues might govern multitudes, if they could govern their tongues.
- Prentice -

It is easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow.
- Anonymous -

Hell is the knowledge of opportunity lost; the place where the man I am comes face to face with the man I might have been.
- Anonymous -

Let him that would move the world first move himself.
- Socrates-

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Interview in Good Manner

Hello Friends. Here are some tips for facing the Interview in Good Manner -
  • Dress appropriately in simple - comfortable clothes that reflect your personality.
  • Avoid wearing new shoes (squeaking noises) and do practice wearing your tie.
  • Be punctual - don't be late or even too early.
  • Read up about the company - what business they are into, growth trends, diversification etc
  • Read your own resume - be sure that you don't have to look into your resume to recall details during the interview.

  • Carry extra copies of your resume and testimonials - you never know when you may need them.
  • Make sure you know the full name and designation of the person interviewing you.
  • Keep your references ready.
  • Remember to make a note of your previous or current salary with all its components.
  • Make a good first impression.
  • Wish the interviewer(s) cheerfully and with a smile.
  • A firm handshake is an indicator of how you are feeling. If you are a lady, then some male employers might not make the first move, but go ahead and initiate the handshake.
  • Wait till you are asked to sit down.
  • Look the person in the eye.
  • Do not appear too nervous or overconfident - Your body language usually conveys more than what you are saying. Don't slouch or lean forward too much.
  • Try to curb nervous mannerisms [eg. fidgeting or biting your finger.]
  • Appear comfortable, confident and interested in securing the job.

During the interview

  • Start the interview with a pleasant smile.
  • Always remember to give a firm handshake. If there are women in your interview panel, wait for the other person to extend the hand while shaking hands.
  • Listen carefully to what the interviewer is saying.
  • Stress on what you can contribute to the organisation.
  • Remember that the employer is in control of the interview.
  • Don't be too long-winded, say what you want to convey in crisp sentences and use terms that would convey your job & achievements.
  • Complete your sentences - don't answer just yes or no.
  • What you don't know can be learned, tell them if you don't know something. But give instances of how quick a learner you are.
  • Do not boast. People on the other side are shrewd and can generally see through you. At the same time talk about achievements giving due credit to others.
  • When talking about yourself and your aspirations, do not sound vague or do not say that you don't know something. You should be very clear and precise about what you want to do, where you want to go etc.
  • If you don't understand a question, ask for clarification, don't answer vaguely.
  • Don't talk about your personal problems, why you need the job etc.
  • Don't get personal, even if you know the interviewer personally.
  • Don't be overconfident or too nervous.
  • Don't badmouth your previous employer - you could do the same in the case of the prospective customer.
  • Don't complain about politics, a bad boss or a poor salary - your reasons for change should be higher responsibilities, location etc.
  • If the interviewer is interrupted during the course of the interview, don't pick up papers on his/her desk and read them.
  • Don't ask about salary before the offer is made.
  • Strike a balance between what you actually are and what you want to be, don't paint a picture of yourself as somebody who is not concerned about money, social status etc.
  • Don't be in a hurry to complete the interview.
  • Ask questions at the end of the interview, it could be about the company, the job or the next stage of the interview process. It will be an indicator of your interest in the position.
  • Send a thank-you letter, outlining your interest in the job and why you are qualified for it.
  • Be Positive and Confident - And the Job is yours. Best of Luck!

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Six Ways to make People Like You

Principle 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.

A simple way to make a good impression.
The expression one wears on one's face if far more important than the clothes one wears on one's back. Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, " I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you." You must have a good time meeting people i f you expect them to have a good time meeting you. You don't feel like smiling? Then what? Two things. First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, force yourself to whistle or hum a tune or sing. Read more after the break...

Act as if you were already happy, and that will tend to make you happy. "Action seems to follow feeling, but really action and feeling go together; and by regulating the action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not." -William James. Happiness doesn't depend on outward conditions. It depends on inner conditions. It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it. "There is nothing either good or bad," said Shakespeare, "but thinking makes it so." Your smile is a messenger of your good will. Your smile brightens the lives of all who see it. To someone who has seen a dozen people frown, scowl or turn their faces away, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds.

Principle 2: Smile.

If you don't do this, you are headed for trouble
The average person is more interested in his or her own name than all the other names on earth put together. Remember that name and call it easily, and you have paid a subtle and very effective compliment. But forget it or misspell it-and you have plac e yourself at a sharp disadvantage. Whenever you meet a new acquaintance, find out his or her complete name and some facts about his or her family, business or political opinions. Fix all these facts well in mind as part of the picture, and the next time you meet that person, even if it was a year later, you will be able to shake hands, inquire after the family, and ask about the hollyhocks in the backyard. Sometimes it is difficult to remember a name, particularly if it is hard to pronounce. Rather than even try to learn it, many people ignore it or call the person by an easy nickname. Most people don't remember names, for the simple reason that they don't take the time and energy necessary to concentrate and repeat and fix names indelibly in their minds. If you don't hear the name distinctly say excuse me I didn't get your name clearly. Then, if it is an unusual name, ask how it is spelled. Use the person's name several times in the conversation; try to associate it in your mind with the person's featur es, expression and general appearance. Then, when you are alone write the name down on a piece of paper, look at it, and concentrate on it, fix it securely in your mind, in this way you will gain an eye impression of the name as well as an ear impression.

Principle 3: Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
An easy way to become a good conversationalist
Listen intently; listen because you are genuinely interested. That kind of listening is one of the highest compliments we can pay anyone. The chronic kicker, even the most violent critic, will frequently soften and be subdued in the presence of a patient, sympathetic listener-a listener who will be silent with the irate fault-finger dilates like a king cobra and spews the poison out of his system. Be more eager to hear what a person has to say then even they are to tell it. Many people prefer good list eners to good talkers, but the ability to listen seems rarer than almost any other good trait. All we want when we are in trouble is a friendly, sympathetic listener to unburden yourself. That is frequently all the irritated customer wants, and the dissat isfied employee or the hurt friend. If you want to know how to make people shun you and laugh at you behind your back and even despise you, here is the recipe: Never listen to anyone for long. Talk incessantly about yourself. If you have an idea while the other person is talking, don't wait for him or her to finish: bust right in and interrupt in the middle of a sentence. If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener. To be interesting, be interested. Ask questions that other persons will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments.

Principle 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

How to interest people
The royal road to a person's heart is to talk about the things he or she treasures most. Make an effort to find out what interests the person then get them talking about it. Talking in terms of the other person's interests pays off for both parties. When asked what reward he got from it, Mr. Herzig responded that he not only received a different reward from each person but that in general the reward had been an enlargement of his life each time he spoke to someone.

Principle 5: Talk in terms of the other person's interests.

How to make people like you instantly.
Ask yourself " What is there about him or her that I can honestly admire?" That is sometimes a hard question to answer, especially with strangers. You want approval of those with whom you come in contact. You want recognition of your true worth. You want a feeling that your are important in our little world. You don't want to listen to cheap, insincere flattery, but you do crave sincere appreciation. So let's obey the Golden Rule, and give unto others what we would have others give unto us. How? When? Where? The answer is all the time, everywhere. Use little phrases such as "I'm sorry to trouble you, ___." "Would you please ___?" "Won't you please?" "Would you mind?" "Thank you." The unvarnished truth is that almost all the people you meet feel themselves superior to you in some way, and a sure way to their hearts is to let them realize in some subtle way that you recognize their importance, and recognize it sincerely. Talk to people about themselves and they will listen for hours.

Principle 6: Make the other person feel important-and do it sincerely.
In a Nutshell: Six ways to make people like you Become genuinely interested in other people.
Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
Make the other person feel important-and do it sincerely.

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Bodylanguage Tips

1- Always look at someone directly in their eyes when they are speaking to you. This may seem difficult at first but it’s definitely the #1 body language ingredient to make you successful when interacting with others. Note: Do not ever stare at someone.

2- Always stand up straight. You never want to slouch. Not only does this make you appear shorter but it projects an image of someone who has low self-esteem.

3- Smile. Smiling is your most powerful body language signal. Though it is not recommended to smile constantly (people will be under the impression you are searching for approval), you should still make an effort to appear happy and optimistic.

4- Do not make repeated, nervous like gestures. When speaking to someone it’s important to use body movements but never fast and repetitive ones (picture someone who is nervous while public speaking; this is exactly what you're NOT aiming for).

5- Create your own personal space. Make sure you let others know you have your own personal space and do not let them walk all over you. Note: you never want to invade someone else’s personal space.
6- Dedicate all of your attention to the person you are speaking with. Do not constantly look around as if you are uncomfortable or not interested.

7- Make sure to emphasize all of these tips when you meet someone new. First impressions count for a lot. You want to make the best impression you can.

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