20 Reasons NOT to Work in Large Companies

Large corporations only one type of professionals - professionals working in large corporations.

The text below is made on the basis of the views of several people who worked for a long time in the office, and exchanged the comfort of open-space and free coffee in the business and a balanced life.
You never get a satisfying career you

It is worth considering how many layers of bosses is over you to understand that you take too much effort to overcome the internal resistance of the company. Playing - get out, work - hardly.

The initiative is punishable

To push the simplest change, which seems nonsense - for example, changing the letters in the layout or correction of the creative process - you have to spend enormous power. Most of all, when you win in your business, you will not get any satisfaction.

You will not be able to express their views publicly

If you are an expert in online advertising, or just know who is who in the market, and you have a big corporation, you are there at the time of shut up. You can not say that your product is bad - unethical in relation to his colleagues that the product is a poor competitor - is unethical in relation to competitors, generally can not comment on anything - it is better to keep silent, and then just offend someone. All colleagues are very valuable.

Team! Team! Team!

Team spirit and synergy, in unison, one and all, but together we can ... This you have heard plenty of very many. In the command responsibility you learn to hide their incompetence or inexperience. The most miserable project will grow into a working group with the group the same liability for which the offender could not be found, and rewards those who get anyhow.

You lose your emotions

The offices are not made to envy and enjoy. That is, all that is within you will gradually died down, but you will no longer show it all on his face. Boredom - this is your new mask.

You will learn to truly rejoice in the victories, which do not have any relation

You'll say "Well done guys designers! To give, "" Cool WE project. " You know that you are not in the business, but you're welcome. Your projects will run less and less, and enjoy something you need. Let the stone face of an office worker.

You have forgotten how to talk back and get used to the pace of working, which is adopted in the company

A month ago, you were annoyed that the treaty agree on a month, and offer some trains per week. You'll be in the same stop and sincerely understand the real course of things.

You will learn not to listen to people who say to you

Most experienced office staff as soon as they begin to talk, bristling with a smartphone or laptop. You will learn how to constantly check the mail and believe that you are very busy and you are VERY much depends.

You will learn to spend most of their time in useless talks

"- Let's go to peregovorku! - Who to take? - Yes, take it all! "Yes, you will collect a mini-audience extras, which will check your mail while you're talking about anything as long as the next portion of the skilled office workers do not throw you to do the same.

You will have no problems with delays

You'll be late everywhere - on internal meetings at the checkpoint where the waiting partners or contractors, on-site meeting. And you will have no problem with it - forgot met a colleague in the corridor, traffic jams - you believe that all this is the normal reason for delay.

You will become a caffeine-addicted and love the toilets

Coffee morning coffee before poludnikom coffee before lunch, afternoon coffee, coffee and 5 o'clock tea, coffee before going home. If you smoke, then add as many times as coffee, how many times you smoke. Toilets save when drinking coffee just did not want to. If there is a smoking room, it means there will be a headquarters, peregovorka, meeting room.

You will spend 12-14 hours on the job

But you are working or not going at all, or squeeze out a 2-3 hours of power. You will learn how to convince yourself that you are doing the right job that you are overwhelmed by all this notice. While secretly know everything that surrounded idlers and therefore behave the same way. The main thing is not to cause suspicion that you have something else in his life and work - just a means to achieve.

Increase in wages

Work you less productive. You, as the moss will acquire unnecessary tasks and meetings, but you will always feel that you deserve better and improve patches - for you it is taken for granted the event.

Do you diagnose symptoms of office workers

You will begin to increasingly ill colds. You quickly explain what it's all air conditioned and do not need to worry - do not disappear as insurance. You'll get sick a lot and enjoy it.

You will be overweight and ugly body

Again, there will be ready to explain - stress, a sedentary lifestyle. But that's because your body and brain will not do the work requires a lot of calories, you'll be a coffee-points haul napakovannye pechenyushkoy sugar, which will be 10 times a day, drink coffee with sugar. At lunch you will eat tasteless lunches that are prepared from the balance at the kitchen yesterday. This food is cooked without love, but because it is not useful.

You'll adore Friday

For the private entrepreneur Friday - it's terrible, the business ceases to operate for 2 days. For the office of a professional - this is the best day of the week - beer, singing and dancing are only possible on this day.

Yet you'll love corporate parties

Subject is not important. You absorb alcohol and food for a pittance, but it will be able to believe what you've done something special. You get used to the shame, and over the years, the Corporation and will know more about fellow filth than their spouses. And you will like it. About the same can be gossip.

You will lose the spirit of startapersky

All these weird people that make the products are not as important as you will cause contempt. And you'll always know that in a startup you will succeed the first time, just you do not need. You are different, different, successful ... already.

You gain credits

At the beginning of the work you want auto, like his colleagues. You buy it on credit, being piously convinced that "Well, an apartment for 30 years, I do not take it." A few years later the system the appearance of money on a plastic card your sense of self-blunted, and you will fit into such debts, which seemed impossible to you yesterday.

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Kristen Stewart or Kendall Jenner - Who Looks Better in the Dress?

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Top 5 Places for a First Date

 The first appointment should take place in a comfortable atmosphere, as in the initial stage of a relationship is very important to get to know each other better. In order not to spoil the meeting, you must assign it to a good place. Where to arrange a first date? 

1. Park — A wonderful place where you can leisurely stroll along shady paths, ride a bike or walking commercials. Cotton candy, ice cream, rides and cozy cafes will make a date easily.

2. Movies — Bring together the various joint experiences, and in a dark room you can take the girl by the hand or by accident allegedly put his arm on a nearby. You should not try to persuade people to go to the movies, if you do not want that. Date should bring joy to both and to be interesting.

3. Quay — The breeze blowing from the water and flowing hair, funny duck, which you can feed bread and sunflower seeds, couples walking around the handle - what could be more romantic? You will be understood as a whole.

4. Concert — Summer - time for fun street, so you can combine a first date with a live performance of what - something good group. You only have to take into account the musical preferences of the person that was a pleasant surprise, and not vice versa.

05. Cafe — This option is great for rainy days. You can talk quietly in a cozy atmosphere with a cup of coffee and get to know each other better. Better to choose neshaminy institution with a small amount of visitors. Live music is welcome.

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Eye Care

Dear Friends,
Take care of your "delicate" eyes. This info' is sure to help PC users very much. During a recent visit to an optician, one of my mailing group friends was told of anexercise for the eyes by a specialist doctor in the United States that he termed as 20-20-20." It is apt for all of us, who spend long hours at our desks,looking at the computer screen.
I Thought I'd share it with you. 20-20-20
Step I :-After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn yourhead and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for the tired eyes.
Step II :-Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.
Step III :-Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutesof sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood circulation for the entire body.
Circulate among your friends if you care for them and their eyes. They say that your eyes r mirror of your soul, so do take care of them, they are priceless...
Otherwise our eye would be like this.....

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Beautiful Lips

Pictures have become famous for it, songs have been written about it, and commercials on TV tell how to get it. Your smile can make a big difference in your appearance. A pleasant disposition with a pleasing continence can make up for any number of beauty flaws. But you mustn't stop there. A big smile can make you look positively beautiful.

Your smile has two components: teeth and lips. The biggest improvement you can make to your appearance is making sure your teeth are white. This has never been easier than it is today. Tooth color is genetic. Some people are just born with yellow tinted teeth. By avoiding certain foods and beverages, such as coffee, red wine, and tea, you can keep teeth whiter. Any foods that stain your clothes will stain your teeth. If your teeth have become discolored, you will be surprised at the results of teeth whitening. The procedure can be undertaken at home or at your dentist's office. The home products are reasonably priced, but require some discipline for about three weeks to apply the whitener, to avoid eating after it is on, and to remove it in the morning. Dentists can perform various teeth whitening procedures that usually cost about $500 and are not covered by insurance, but produce quick results in a visit or two. Read more after the break...

Lips should look inviting and kissable. Take good care of them by making sure there is no dead skin on them, and regularly maintain them with vitamin E or balm to make them look polished and soft.
· Matte lipstick is strong on color without shine but can be drying and look dull. If you like the matte look, get a good expensive lipstick. This is one time where cheap isn't better.
· Crème – nice color without shininess and more moisturizing than matte
· Glossy – the least drying

Lip shape tricks:
· Lips too full? Avoid strong colors or you'll look like Ronald McDonald. Tone down the color with soft sheer hues and no lip liner. Also, play up your eyes to draw away from or balance out your full lips.
· Lips too thin? Strong colors will just emphasize their thinness. Instead, use light, sheer colors. Never use lip liner outside the natural lip line to try and fake bigger lips. You'll just end up looking like a clown.
· Crooked lips? Gently use your lip liner to even them out.

Lip color depends on your skin tone as well as your clothing colors:
· Best lip colors for fair skin: pales
· Best lip colors for medium skin: deeper colors
· Best lip colors for olive and yellow skin: browns and plums
· Best lip colors for dark skin: dark red, beiges and berry colors

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Signs of Pregnancy

Scene from a typical Indian movie: A demure lady is enjoying dinner with the rest of the family. Suddenly, she cups her mouth and rushes to the bathroom where she empties the contents of her stomach.

All the faces around her explode into big grins. The family doctor is immediately summoned. He checks the lady's pulse and pronounces, "Mubarak ho, tum maa banne waali ho (Congratulations! You are going to be a mother)."

Don't you wish it were that simple in real life! Unfortunately, no doctor in the world can tell if you are pregnant by merely checking your pulse. But you might be able to recognise one of these five early signs of pregnancy.
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A missed period
This might be one of the first signs of pregnancy you actually notice. If you have regular cycles you may be able to detect that you are pregnant when you miss your period. This is one of the most reliable signs of being pregnant.
Scientific basis: A period occurs when the body stops producing progesterone (a hormone that plays a special role in the female menstrual cycle and in pregnancy) temporarily. This causes the uterus to shed its lining. When you become pregnant your body starts producing a lot of progesterone to sustain the baby. There is no progesterone withdrawal and no period. Period.

Abdominal bloating and breast tenderness
If your periods are not very regular it might be a little tough to notice a missed period. Abdominal bloating is another sign to look out for. Dr Anjali Rajurkar, an obstetrician from Mumbai, offers this tip, "If you have been trying to get pregnant and your jeans suddenly feel snug check if you are exhibiting other signs of pregnancy".
Further, you might notice that your breasts have suddenly turned sore and sensitive.

Scientific basis: Both abdominal bloating and breast tenderness result from the high levels of hormones your body starts producing when you become pregnant.

Fatigue and sleepinessYou just woke up and had a cup of coffee. But you can't wait to go back to bed again. You feel tired all the time. Well, most pregnant women experience a high degree of fatigue and sleepiness in their first trimester.
Scientific basis: No one knows for sure why this happens. But experts believe that the high levels of progesterone in your body might be responsible for this feeling of exhaustion.

Nausea and vomitingFinally! And you thought we would never mention it.
For some women nausea is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. They start feeling unusually queasy and certain odours become very repulsive. Though the nausea and vomiting you experience in the first trimester of pregnancy is called morning sickness, it could occur at any time of the day. It is often triggered by meals. But if you do not have any nausea during the first trimester, do not panic. You might be one of the lucky few who escapes this ordeal entirely.

Scientific basis: Again, blame it on your hormones. Experts believe that high levels of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone vital for the sustenance of pregnancy, causes morning sickness.

Some women experience a small amount of vaginal bleeding when they become pregnant. When the fetus implants itself on the wall of the uterus this can happen. The bleeding is extremely light and might last a couple of days. In any case, if you spot vaginal bleeding, contact your obstetrician to rule out other causes.

Should you take a test?
The five signs detailed above are physical signs or symptoms. It is important to remember that some women might not experience many of the early symptoms of pregnancy, except for the missed period. You need not wait to experience all these symptoms before you take a pregnancy test. If you have been trying to conceive and you feel a couple of the above symptoms you could try taking a pregnancy test.
A word of caution: Over eagerness to get pregnant might make you take the tests too often leading to frequent disappointments if they turn out negative. It is natural to be curious but try and wait for a few signs before you turn to the test.

The pregnancy test
A home pregnancy test is one of the easier ways to test if you are pregnant. These kits are available over the counter at most medical stores. The directions are clear and easy to follow. The test takes two minutes and is pretty reliable too. All it requires is a drop of urine. If your test is positive it might be a good idea to repeat the test with your nearest lab and then schedule an appointment with your obstetrician.
If it is negative, remember that the test is not highly sensitive and might become positive only a week after the missed period. So if you have not had a missed period perform the test after you do.

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Neha Dhupia for Go Green calendar Photoshoot

Here is the latest Calendar photo shoot from India Shot by Jatin Kampani, it has the Bollywood actress Neha Dhupia make a green statement through the elements of nature. This is part of a Go Green initiative launched by Franchise India Holdings Ltd, an integrated franchise solution company.

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Green Tea

Green tea has increasingly become a very popular drink worldwide because of its immensely powerful health benefits.It is extraordinarily amazing what green tea can do for your health.And if you're not drinking 3 to 4 cups of green tea today, you're definitely NOT doing your health a big favor.Here Are The 25 Reasons Why

You Should Start Drinking Green Tea Right Now:

1. Green Tea and Cancer
Green tea helps reduce the risk of cancer. The antioxidant in green tea is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times better than vitamin E. This helps your body at protecting cells from damage believed to be linked to cancer. Read more after the break...

2. Green Tea and Heart Disease
Green tea helps prevent heart disease and stroke by lowering the level of cholesterol. Even after the heart attack, it prevents cell deaths and speeds up the recovery of heart cells.

3. Green Tea and Anti-Aging
Green tea contains antioxidant known as polyphenols which fight against free radicals. What this means it helps you fight against aging and promotes longevity.

4. Green Tea and Weight Loss
Green tea helps with your body weight loss. Green tea burns fat and boosts your metabolism rate naturally. It can help you burn up to 70 calories in just one day. That translates to 7 pounds in one year.

5. Green Tea and Skin
Antioxidant in green tea protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals, which cause wrinkling and skin aging. Green tea also helps fight against skin cancer.

6. Green Tea and Arthritis
Green tea can help prevent and reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Green tea has benefit for your health as it protects the cartilage by blocking the enzyme that destroys cartilage.

7. Green Tea and Bones
The very key to this is high fluoride content found in green tea. It helps keep your bones strong. If you drink green tea every day, this will help you preserve your bone density.

8. Green Tea and Cholesterol
Green tea can help lower cholesterol level. It also improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol, by reducing bad cholesterol level.

9. Green Tea and Obesity
Green tea prevents obesity by stopping the movement of glucose in fat cells. If you are on a healthy diet, exercise regularly and drink green tea, it is unlikely you'll be obese.

10. Green Tea and Diabetes
Green tea improves lipid and glucose metabolisms, prevents sharp increases in blood sugar level, and balances your metabolism rate.

11. Green Tea and Alzheimer's
Green tea helps boost your memory. And although there's no cure for Alzheimer's, it helps slow the process of reduced acetylcholine in the brain, which leads to Alzheimer's.

12. Green Tea and Parkinson's
Antioxidants in green tea helps prevent against cell damage in the brain, which could cause Parkinson's. People drinking green tea also are less likely to progress with Parkinson's.

13. Green Tea and Liver Disease
Green tea helps prevent transplant failure in people with liver failure. Researches showed that green tea destroys harmful free radicals in fatty livers.

14. Green Tea and High Blood Pressure
Green tea helps prevent high blood pressure. Drinking green tea helps keep your blood pressure down by repressing angiotensin, which leads to high blood pressure.

15. Green Tea and Food Poisoning
Catechin found in green tea can kill bacteria which causes food poisoning and kills the toxins produced by those bacteria.

16. Green Tea and Blood Sugar
Blood sugar tends to increase with age, but polyphenols and polysaccharides in green tea help lower your blood sugar level.

17. Green Tea and Immunity
Polyphenols and flavenoids found in green tea help boost your immune system, making your health stronger in fighting against infections.

18. Green Tea and Cold and Flu
Green tea prevents you from getting a cold or flu. Vitamin C in green tea helps you treat the flu and the common cold.

19. Green Tea and Asthma
Theophylline in green tea relaxes the muscles which support the bronchial tubes, reducing the severity of asthma.

20. Green Tea and Ear Infection
Green tea helps with ear infection problem. For natural ear cleaning, soak a cotton ball in green tea and clean the infected ear.

21. Green Tea and Herpes
Green tea increases the effectiveness of topical interferon treatment of herpes. First green tea compress is applied, and then let the skin dry before the interferon treatment.

22. Green Tea and Tooth Decay
Green tea destroys bacteria and viruses that cause many dental diseases.It also slows the growth of bacteria which leads to bad breath.

23. Green Tea and Stress
L-theanine, which is a kind of amino acids in green tea, can help relieve stress and anxiety.

24. Green Tea and Allergies
EGCG found in green tea relieves allergies. So, if you have allergies, you should really consider drinking green tea.

25. Green Tea and HIV
Scientists in Japan have found that EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) in green tea can stop HIV from binding to healthy immune cells.

What this means is that green tea can help stop the HIV virus from spreading.

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Weight Loss Food

Add applesauce (it's loaded with pectin), apples, fresh fruit and berries, to your diet and let the power of pectin pulverize the fat that accumulates on your cells. An apple a day can help keep the fat away.

Berries contain a chemical call pectin. Pectin limits the amount of fat your cells can absorb. This will put a natural limitation on the amount of fat your cells can absorb. Pectin, once in your system, has a water binding property, it absorbs watery substances, and these watery substances in turn bombards the cells and makes it release fat deposits.

Breakfast cereals are typically heavily processed foods, and most of their original micronutrients, like vitamins or minerals, are removed during the food-processing. However, most breakfast cereals are fortified with added vitamins and minerals, making them a convenient source of most B-vitamins, vitamin D and several minerals including iron. Wholegrain breakfast cereals (eg. granola, muesli, oats) are typically rich in natural B-vitamins, soluble fiber (which helps to lower cholesterol) and have a lower GI-value than regular refined cereals.

Cucumbers are usually used in many salads, besides tasting great their high water content adds to your bulk hence making you feel full. They can be consumed before every meal which will greatly help you from over-eating.

Garlic oil or the juice of garlic has a significant protective quality to cells which help to reduce fatty deposits. When taken, it brings down the levels of fat. Garlic, garlic oil, or anything with garlic, also has an antibiotic property to it and can be used to cure many ailments.

Citrus fruits like, oranges and limes contain high concentrations of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). This Vitamin C has a fat burning quality. Vitamin C reduces the effectiveness of fat. It reduces its content and can liquefy or dilute fat. By diluting the fat, it makes it less effective, and easier to flush out of your system. Vitamin C also works on cholesterol deposits. By adding Citrus Fruits to your daily diet, you will greatly increase your metabolism, increase your ability to get rid of fat, and also control your cholesterol levels.

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Dieting Tips

What is dieting? What does it mean?
Dieting, mainly it means trying to reduce excess of body weight. The only way to loose fat is by consuming fewer calories per day than your body needs. Insulin resistance is a major cause of excess weight / obesity, so make sure you consult your physician before opting for any dieting plan.

Here are some tips for successful dieting which are based on information only.

1. Drink at least 2-5 liters of water everyday, depending upon the type of weather conditions. Tea, Coffee and alcohols are not to be taken as the substitutes for pure water as these products contains dehydrating agents; they rather get rid of water from the body reserves. Soda and juices also reduce the urge to drink water.

2. Avoid junk food. Junk food means: food which has low nutritional value and high fat, sugar and calories content e.g. salted snack foods, candy, gum, most of the sweet desserts, fried chips, chocolate, cakes, soft drinks, hamburgers etc. These contain very little protein, vitamins and very high calories.
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3. Eat small meals at frequent intervals instead of one large meal and avoid late night meals/snacks. Eating smaller meals during the day means control on obesity. The truth is that when you eat more often, your metabolism speeds up as the body understands there is more food on the way and better metabolism means your body burns off calories instead of storing them.

4, Avoid ready, processed food in which preservatives are used.

5. Avoid fatty food and alcohols: Alcohols have to be metabolized by the liver, so the liver can't perform the same job of, metabolizing fat at the same time. Fats: Include minimum possible oils to get fewer calories, in to your diet. Make sure to burn fat, you consume to reduce your excess weight.

6. Get your diet plan worked out by the dietician who will prepare the exact number of calories in-take for your dieting plan. Eat right kind of diet, introducing fruits and vegetables of all colours in your menu.

7. Choose the right kind of exercises according to your routine and activities. Make sure your exercise routine more interesting by using exercise audios/videos.

Dieting Tips
8. Food selection should be based on the lowest amount of sugar, sodium and carbohydrates.

9. Never keep on eating from a jar, as like this you will not be able to have a check on yourself on the quantity intake.

10. Soups are the best way of filling yourself but make sure you take freshly prepared soups to avoid intake of preservatives.

11. When coming to eating desserts, take a small amount.

12. Don't skip a meal as by doing so you tend to overeat during the next meal.

13. Keep daily record of intake and how many calories you are using.

14, Eat fruits and vegetables salad for snacks instead of salties and fried chips.

15. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables (unless these are baked or tossed with butter) as most of these contain low fat and calories. Many of these contain important vitamins and fiber. Avoid avocados, coconut and olives as all of these contain fat naturally.

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Healthy Hair Growth

Top Nutritional Tips To Support Healthy Hair Growth
1. Eat adequate amounts of protein.

Protein is composed of the amino acids essential for the building of new cells, including hair. Five amino acids are of particular relevance to hair growth - cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine.

Inadequate protein intake over a lengthy period can force hair into the resting phase with shedding a few months later. It is obvious then that sufficient portions of protein rich foods should form part of your daily diet. The best sources of dietary protein are lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, soy, nuts, grains and seeds. At least 15% of your daily calories should come from protein-rich foods. Read more after the break...

2. Eat adequate amounts of useful carbohydrates.

Carbs are an essential source of energy and help in the growth of body tissues, including hair. They are an important source of the B vitamins that are vital to healthy hair.

It is important that you concentrate on consuming non-refined carbs rather than the sugars and white flour that are so prevalent in many over-refined carb products. You should place an emphasis on consuming vegetables, fruits, whole grains, brown rice and potatoes. It is recommended that you obtain 55-60% of your daily calories from the carbohydrates found in these foods.

3. Achieve a healthy balance of dietary fats.

Fat is used in energy production and can be found in both animal and plant foods. Your body needs sufficient levels of fat to maintain good health. That fat should be obtained from a mixture of lean animal and plant sources. Roughly 25-30% of your daily calories should come from these sources.

4. The right nutritional balance is one that suits your personal circumstances.

How much of each food group you eat depends on a host of factors including age, sex, health and level of physical activity. When choosing meals and snacks, take account of the following key principles of sound nutrition: 
  • Eat a variety of foods.
  • Apply moderation to your consumption of junk foods.
  • Choose natural and lightly processed foods as often as possible.
  • Do not over cook.
5. Support a nutritious diet with a few carefully chosen supplements.

Following a nutritious diet is essential for good hair health, but on its own this may not be sufficient for a number of reasons:
  • Modern farming methods may deplete the nutrient quality of food.
  • High stress levels may diminish nutrients in your body.
  • Dieting may affect nutrient levels.
  • Aging reduces the ability of our bodies to utilize certain nutrients.
  • Exercise can deplete some nutrients.
It may be sufficient to supplement with a well-balanced multi-vitamin / mineral product but a number of products are available that specifically cater for the requirements of healthy hair.

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Hair Loss - Simple Steps

If you are experiencing hair loss it is important you act now and not wait until it becomes noticeable and start to affect the way you look and feel about yourself. Whether you are a male or female, few things will affect confidence and esteem like a noticeably balding head.
Going bald will make you look, feel and actually act older. Your personality and attitude will change to reflect your dampened ego. You will become less outgoing and less apt to approach members of the opposite sex. Your going bald can dictate the way you are seen and treated by others and yourself.
I know, for at the tender age of 21 I started rapidly loosing my hair and all those negative changes started to happen in my life. It was sheer determination and the dread of looking like my old grand dad this early that turned things around for me.
If you are experiencing hair loss, here are some things I learned that helped me with my battle to stop from going bald and retake control of my life.
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1. Check with your doctor.Sometimes hair loss can be a symptom of disease. Thyroid disease, Lupus and Diabetes are two examples of illnesses known to case balding. Check with your doctor and be sure there is not a more serious matter at hand.
2. Watch your diet.Eating correctly will affect not only the overall health of your body, it will also affect the health of your hair and scalp. Maintaining a proper diet is critical for keeping healthy locks.
3. Check your stress levels.Anxiety and stress are common causes of hair loss. Regardless of how hectic life may get, you should take every necessary step to reduce tension and limit its affect on your body. If you must, use yoga, meditation or some other form of stress reduction technique.
4. Careful what you use on your head.Many of todays' hair care products contain chemicals that are harsh and can actually be damaging. Check the ingredients of your shampoos, dyes, perms and conditioners. Choose products that substitute chemicals with natural substances that are milder and which stimulate the scalp and encourage growth.
These few tips will go far in avoiding further hair loss and may even reverse the process. Do your research and take all necessary steps. Going bald can be painful but there are many products on the market that will help. Just know that the issue can be successfully addressed and the earlier you act the better.
Don't wait until it's too far gone. There are products that can immediately stop hair loss and quickly re grow your hair.

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Abdominal Muscle Exercises

As a personal trainer, I get asked this question at least once a day, "Which the best exercises to get firm, flat and toned abdominals?" It's not an easy question to address, since there are hundreds of abdominal exercises.
Let's face it. Our eyes gravitate towards a flat and well toned abdominal region. We all want that elusive flat, firm and enviable look of 'washboard abs'. The muscles of your abdominal region, and indeed the midsection aren't isolated; they weave through your torso like a web of high-tensile steel, and it's critical to train them the right way.
So how do you get results fast? A recent study by the American Council on Exercise has the answer. Let's discover the 3 most effective exercises to get flat abdominals, the correct way to breathe during abdominal exercises and tips and tricks to get results faster. I have integrated these exercises to help thousands of clients get results. You can view my clients in action with exercise videos and download full color abdominal exercise routines, diet plans and ebooks by registering on my websites mentioned at the end of this article.
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A California study conducted by the American Council on Exercise has determined that the classic sit-up is not the best answer for stronger, flatter abdominals. The conclusions were intriguing, to say the least. The traditional sit-up was among the least effective abdominal muscle exercises.
Sit-ups (in which you raise your trunk up from the floor with your knees straight or bent) involve the hip muscles disproportionately relative to the abdominals. This means the hip muscles work more and the abdominal muscles work less i.e they are not getting trained in the right manner. In addition, there is an unnecessary (and potentially harmful) strain on the lower back. The sit-up is not only ineffective, but potentially harmful.
There's more, and it's equally surprising. The study indicated that several gadgets for the abdominals were either ineffective or marginally more effective than a regular abdominal crunch, which doesn't cost you anything, other than the time required to learn the right technique.
Now for the big news. The top three abdominal muscle exercises were:
The Bicycle maneuver.The Captains Chair.Crunch on an exercise ball.
For best results.
Start with 2-3 sets of each exercise, 8-10 repetitions. Increase by 8-10 repetitions each week till you work your way up to a set of 40 repetitions in each set. 2 sets of 35-40 repetitions a day for the abdominals is ideal, and you do not need to train more than that.
Breathing during abdominal muscle exercises.
With all abdominal muscle exercises, exhale as you contract / exert / come up / crunch your abdominals; inhale as you relax / lower / return to the starting position.
Points to remember.
1. If you have lower back injuries or pain, consult a doctor before you begin, so you don't hurt yourself. Also see a physician if you are over 35, have been sedentary for a long time, have high blood pressure and/or cholesterol, are a smoker, have chest pains or shortness of breath or have had a joint or muscle injury.
2. It's not the number of repetitions, but the quality and technique that gets results. Overdoing sit-ups can hurt your lower back. Besides, the best way to get those flat lower abdominal muscles is to be patient for 8-10 weeks, eat a healthy diet and do regular aerobic exercise.

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